Mutual Separations

Amicably part ways during mutual employee separations

Mutual separations are exactly that — when an employee and employer agree to the separation. Common examples include forced resignations, retirements, or the end of a contract. Mutual separations are often individualized, so one size does not fit all. Instead, they often include negotiated benefits and stipulations specific to the employee. Onwards HR’s offboarding compliance platform helps companies streamline mutual separations by automating severance pay, simplifying negotiations, and generating separation agreements based on each employee’s circumstances.

Personalize severance packages with ease

Onwards HR empowers you to create custom severance packages that meet the unique needs of each departing employee. Negotiated benefits are no problem!

  • Fine-tune severance packages with our intuitive interface.

  • Adjust severance pay and benefits to match each specific situation.

  • Track and report benefits offered to employees in a central location.

Discover other Severance Automation capabilities.

A woman sitting atop a stack of coins, next to a calculator

Gain peace of mind with audit trails

The threat of legal action can complicate even the most amicable mutual separations. When documentation is scattered across emails, spreadsheets, and physical files, ensuring compliance can feel impossible. We give organizations peace by mind through a centralized separations platform that helps manage related documentation.

  • Effortlessly maintain a detailed event history, which means no more piecing together information from various sources. Every interaction and document is automatically stored in a single, secure location.

  • Gain immediate information with real-time separation status tracking, from initiation to completion.

  • Ensure transparent separation documentation by capturing a record of the steps taken to evaluate each employee prior to the mutual separation agreement.

Onwards HR mitigates legal risk by providing a clear and auditable trail of your separation process, saving you time, reducing stress, and protecting your business.

Learn more about Employee Management tools.

Easily manage change & negotiate benefits

Mutual separations can be fluid. Circumstances evolve, requiring adjustments to severance pay amounts and documentation. Traditional methods are cumbersome, forcing you to rework documents and recalculate benefits. Our user-friendly interface helps you navigate change with agility.

  • Use swift one-click overrides when situations that differ from your standard corporate severance policy. Changes are automatically reflected in the agreement and throughout the entire platform.

  • Effortlessly alter dates, benefits, or other details without starting over. This enables you to focus on making edits, not recreating documents.

  • Benefit from automatically recalculated severance packages and regenerated documents as you make adjustments. You won’t have to waste time—or risk error—on manual calculations.

Embrace a smooth and adaptable offboarding process. Onwards HR eliminates the frustration of change management, allowing you to respond to evolving circumstances with ease and efficiency.

Avoid uncertainty during mutual separations

Navigating mutual separations can be complex, especially when protecting your business and ensuring legal compliance. Our compliance platform helps organizations thoroughly and defensibly document mutual separations.

  • Capture key details, including the business reason for the separation.

  • Explain why terminations classify as mutual separations versus RIFs.

  • Document the steps taken to address potential problems before reaching the point of mutual separation.

Why is this crucial? Clear and comprehensive documentation protects your business from potential legal challenges and ensures a smoother separation process for everyone involved.