Reporting & Analytics

Make better people decisions and manage risk 

When you evaluate the past with accuracy, you can better plan for the future. Our advanced analytics and exporting features enable you to take a closer look at your company’s trends.  By running and sharing reports, you’ll gain valuable insight from the data, allowing for benchmarking, strategic goal-setting, and risk mitigation.

Advanced Employee Analytics

Slice and dice employee data to analyze trends and mitigate human capital risk.

  • Parse employee data in myriad ways, using criteria like department, age range, and multiple marginalized identities (i.e. more than one protected class) 

  • Determine average lengths of time for each step in the separation process

  • Review severance package acceptance rate

Simplify offboarding for your Human Resources team.

Financial Reporting

It can be difficult to monitor the financial aspects of fluid separations, but our tool makes it easy.

  • Evaluate severance payouts at many levels, including by RIF event, department, employee, etc.

  • Simplify severance payout tracking, including accruals, reversals and paid outcomes

  • Automatically track post-accrual employee changes

  • Export financial reports for analysis and planning

Explore Severance Package automation and management.

Legal Reporting

Though your reduction in force may appear to be compliant, in-depth analysis can help identify hidden legal risks.

  • Run Disparate Impact and WARN Act compliance reports across individual RIFs or multiple RIF events

  • Model scenarios with specific RIF events to determine potential Disparate Impact and WARN Act triggers

Check out Onwards HR’s other Separation Compliance features.

Operational Reporting

Aside from simplifying the separations process, we make it easy to review the impact on day-to-day operations.

  • Review real-time pipeline reports to evaluate projected severance costs against planned budget

  • Analyze time spent on each step of the severance process to identify opportunities for continued improvement

Explore other Workflow Management capabilities.